Society for Upliftment & Development of Human being By Action

Veer Bal Diwas

Veer Bal Diwas

Sudha open School Amaseoni Raipur celebrated Veer Bal Diwas on 26/12/24 where Dr. RK Pandey former VC Amity university was chief Guest, and Mrs. Chandra lekha pandey social worker, Sh. Mukesh Aggarwal social worker, and sh. Jay shal shah stationary Businessman were Guest of honour in the program. at the out set all the guests were  welcomed by sh. G k bhatnagar chairman of the society by presenting them a coffee Mug.3 students of school were honoured by Guests for exemplary bravery shown by these students. Miss Alka chauhan ( Bravery) student, vinay verma ( Sports  )and Miss Sandhaya  sahu ( Activities ) At the outset Kids presented a cultural program like dance in the presence of all guests. At the end refreshments were served to all kids by the society.    

Miss khushi and Mrs. Bharti maravi faculty took active participation for the success of the  program. Children prepared the cards and posters of Sahib jade baba jorawar singh n baba Fatah Singh jee, and displayed them in the program.The program ended with the National Song sung by all.

Team sudha
